What is a Risk Assessment?

A risk assessment is the process of identifying, analyzing and evaluating risk for the business. Conducting a risk assessment is the only way to ensure that the cybersecurity controls are appropriate to the risks your organization faces.

Axiom takes the risk assessment further by providing full documentation on your business’ network because we know that you cannot protect what you don’t know about so we make sure we bring light to all aspects of your network and the devices that reside on it.

Benefits of Risk Assessments

Without a risk assessment to inform you about your company’s cyber security risks, your business could waste time, effort and resources on initiatives that don’t address the most urgent vulnerabilities.

A risk assessment classifies found vulnerabilities into critical, high, medium, and low categories so your business can look at what issues bring the most risk and focus on fixing those first.

Other benefits include:

  • – Having a proactive approach to cybersecurity highlights vulnerabilities before they can be exploited
  • – It lowers the chances of a damaging cybersecurity incident
  • – Gives management the visibility and confidence to make better business decisions, decisions based on real risks and facts
  • – Understanding and managing your risks brings peace of mind – you can be confident that you have taken due care and diligently exercised risk management in accordance with your business requirements

Network Security

Are you protecting all the assets on your network with a firewall and patches?

Endpoint Security

Are your computers, laptops & servers protected with patches and antivirus?

Privacy Controls

Are you ensuring the privacy of your customer data with policies and protection?

Cybersecurity doesn't make the news…
It’s the lack of cybersecurity that makes the news.

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